
Rating: 2.6667 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Sie können den Teig auf 2 Arten backen:

Verwendung von Honig kommt aus der Zeit, als man nichts anderes zum Süssen hatte.


Taralli wheat flour 2 kg, brewer’s yeast 40 gr, 10 eggs, olive oil, sugar 200 gr sometimes honey 300 gr Prepare with flour and yeast a normal bread dough. When it has risen, add eggs, enough oil to keep Liter dough soft, and sugar (or honey, as used in some areas).

Knead the dough well and form the doughnut-shaped “taralli1/2 about 8 inches in diameter. Let them rise in a warm place for 3 hours. You can bake them in two ways:

Baked, arranged on a greased baking sheet, cooking them first in boiling water and, when they are almost cooked, finishing them in the oven.

Note: The “taralli1/2 are typical of the Avigliano area, and Liter’s use of honey comes from ancient custom, when honey was in those areas Liter’s only known sweetener.

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