Spider Invasion

Rating: 3.675 / 5.00 (40 Votes)

Total time: 15 min



For the spider invasion, prepare the large spiders first.

For the large spiders, use one Swedish Bomb and one Gingerbread Button each for the body and head.

Cut the Strawberry Sticks in half lengthwise and trim the legs to the correct size. Place 8 of each on the spider bodies.

Paint eyes on the gingerbread button with the white chocolate icing and red food coloring.

For the baby spiders, use one gingerbread button and one brown Smarties each for the body and head.

Finish the legs and eyes as you did for the big spiders.

The spider invasion goes over especially well on the party buffet.

Preparation Tip:

If you like, you can also use Swedish bombs with coconut sprinkles in addition for a more "colorful" spider invasion.

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