Sacher Oyster Variations

Rating: 3.5753 / 5.00 (73 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the 1st variant:

For the 2nd variant:

For the 3rd variant:

For the 4th variant:


Firmly grasp the oysters with the help of a damp cloth and carefully open them with an oyster knife (place the knife on the dark colored hinge between the two halves and press the shells apart with a twisting motion). The water should remain in the oyster shell during this process. Remove any remaining shell with a small brush and separate the oyster from the base with a knife. Serve in the oyster shell or on plates decoratively lined with seaweed, as desired. Garnish according to one or more of the following variations. VARIANTE 1 Blanch tomatoes for a few seconds in simmering water, remove skins and cut into fine cubes. Dry overnight at 80 °C in the oven. Season with sea salt as well as Tabasco sauce and mix with a little olive oil. VARIANT 2 Reduce the beetroot juice to 6 cl and chill. Mix the reduced juice with some grape seed oil. VARIANT 3 Spread the ham on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and dry in the oven at 120°C. Let cool and grate or chop very finely. Flavor with freshly grated horseradish and pepper. VARIANT 4 Serve Beluga caviar on its own and, if desired, drizzle oysters with a little lime juice.

Preparation Tip:

Since oysters spoil quickly, they must always be stored in a cool and moist place. It is best to wrap them in seaweed or damp paper and store them in the refrigerator at 4 °C for as short a time as possible. To allow the delicate oyster flavor to develop well, oysters should not be served directly cold in the refrigerator. The ideal temperature for oyster enjoyment is 16-20°C. RECOMMENDATION: several slices of buttered pumpernickel placed on top of each other.

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