Champagne Risotto

Rating: 2.8333 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



1. melt butter in a saucepan and fry shallots for 2-3 min until soft. Add long grain rice and stir until grains are coated in butter and become a little translucent around the edges.

Pour in about 2/3 of the champagne and make over high heat so that the liquid bubbles violently. Make stirring until all liquid is absorbed before adding hot clear soup.

3. Add the clear soup ladle by ladle, making sure it is absorbed before adding the next ladle. The risotto should become leisurely creamy and velvety and have absorbed all the clear soup. It is essential that the clear soup is hot!

When the long grain rice is soft but still al dente (20-25 min), add whipped cream, the remaining champagne (sparkling wine) and Parmesan. Season to taste. Remove from heat, cover for a few minutes and add chives. Possibly garnish with truffles.

. . . may seem rather extravagant, but makes a really nice aromatic risotto, a perfect dinner for special occasions Note: Arborio long grain rice works just as well.

Our tip: Always use fresh chives whenever possible!

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