Minced Fish

For minced fish, finely chop the salmon fillet and mash a little with a fork. Crush the peppercorns. Peel and finely chop the onion. Squeeze lemon. Chop the chives. Mix everything. Season minced fish with salt and pepper.

Autumn Carrot Orange Soup

Clean, rinse and chop carrots and greens. Boil carrots and greens with a little water and cook until tender. Cool down a bit and grind. Squeeze oranges, peel ginger and grate finely. Add both to the soup with port wine and light butter or possibly butter, season with salt and pepper. Simmer gently for about … Read more

Wild Hilde, Homemade

take a transparent tupperware or bowl, first pour in the frozen berries… on top spread brown sugar well evenly… on top of that form the yogurt… cover it well with brown sugar… whip the whipped cream and form on top…. and finally a good layer of brown sugar again…. put the whole thing in the … Read more

American Apple Pie

A simple but delicious cake recipe: This is an apple tart, in which the fruit is poured into the mold at first, and then the dough. This makes the apples juicier and more aromatic. The recipe originally comes from Swedish immigrants. Spread 26 cm ø springform pan base with parchment paper. Melt butter and pour … Read more

Turkey Liver Cheese with Potato Salad

For the turkey liver cheese with potato salad, first prepare the turkey liver cheese. Flour with the beaten egg and breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil until crispy on both sides. For the potato salad, boil the potatoes until soft, depending on about 30 minutes, then peel and cut into flakes. Prepare a marinade from … Read more

Cauliflower Florets in Cheese Dough on Tomato Compote

Trim the cauliflower roses, rinse well, blanch al dente in light salted water, drain when cool, drain well. Pit olives and cut into quarters. Pluck basil and chop coarsely. Peel and finely dice onion. Peel tomatoes, remove seeds and cut into small cubes. Beat egg, mix well with milk, flour, fold in grated cheese and … Read more

Brik a L#Oeuf – Dumplings with Egg

1. peel and cut the onion. Mix with capers, parsley, tuna, salt and pepper. 2. Heat about 5 cm of oil in a frying pan. Cut 4 squares from the dough, place on a plate, mold 1 tbsp of filling in the center, crack an egg over the top. Fold the dough crosswise, press the … Read more

Indian Chicken with Sour Smoky Kodampuli Vinegar

Mark Brownstein’s unusual recipes invite you to try them out or just for inspiration. Carve chicken into 8 pieces and fry in oil. Add minced shallots, grated ginger, chopped green chilies, finely ground Kashmiri Masala, minced garlic, crushed coriander seeds and do for 3 min. Add diced tomatoes and beer, season with salt, season with … Read more

American Apple Pie

To make the American apple tart, make a batter with the butter, sugar, eggs and pinch of salt. Stir in flour, cornstarch, baking powder, milk, vanilla sugar and lemon juice. Pour the batter into a buttered and floured cake pan. Season the apples with rum, cinnamon and sugar and place on top of the sponge. … Read more

Holler Flower Dreaming

For the elderflower dream, shake blossoms well, then remove the coarse stems. Put blossoms, sugar, citric acid and mineral water in a large pot and chill for 24 hours. Then strain through a coffee filter, add juice of lemon and grain, stir well and bottle. Can be drunk the very next day.