Felted Fish I

Rating: 1.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Clean the fish, then cut the skin at the head with a sharp kitchen knife, carefully reach under the skin and slowly pull it off up to the tail, being careful not to tear it. Bone the fish, turn it over and grate it with the soaked white bread, crushed pepper, salt, garlic cloves, egg and grated onion. Put the stuffing in the fish skin form.

Make the cleaned root with 1 onion, the fish head and the backbone in salted water. Strain the clear soup over the stuffed fish and simmer on low heat. Arrange in a baking dish, pour the clear soup over it- and gel.

“Gefilte fish” is the traditional dish of the Jewish population of, among others, Poland, Southern Russia and Ukraine. It is served cooled with “horseradish” (a mixture of horseradish and beetroot) as an entrée to the Shabbat or festive meal.

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